
Advancing businesses, connecting talents to opportunities.

Connecting paths for businesses to reach their milestones using the BAAB framework

Regardless of your business size, The Chum Effect is a rapid problem-solving and strategic planning firm with offerings tailored to assist you in reaching new heights. We provide business solutions by taking brave approaches to help your business navigate the tricky line between seizing economic possibilities to the fullest and managing the risks and complications.

Our ability to deliver creative management and consulting solutions that drive positive and long-lasting influence on overall strategy, reputation, and growth is made possible by our combination of practical experience and subject matter expertise.

Welcome to TCE - where businesses experience unrivalled advancements. (Achieve their goals)

We are TCE

This is how we roll!



Implement clients’ perspectives with focus on a big idea.


Resilient & Respectful

Adapt to situations, transparently address concerns with respect.


Strategic & Thoughtful

Nurture businesses at every stage, using the BAAB framework.



Communicate with an open mind and prioritize people’s needs.

Trusted by top-tier organizations

Is your business a baby, toddler, teenager or an adult?

Start a conversation by booking a session

TCE is always on the
lookout for top talent

Dare to show us what you have got.

BAAB™ guidelines in your mailbox

2025 Guadalupe Street, Suite 260 Austin, Texas 78705

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